Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dear Continental Airlines,

I'd like to thank you for making this trip unforgettable from the get-go. Between the frantic rescheduling of my flight (due to a 5 hour flight delay that would cause me to miss my connection in London), getting me on Kevin's flight via standby, and somehow forgetting to actually change my information in your system to reflect my NEW flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Cairo, you have subjected me to the most convoluted travel experience of my life. Fortunately, there are competent members of your staff working in Germany. So after Egypt Air, operated by Lufthansa, told me I couldn't get on the last flight to Cairo today, I went sulking to the tiny and barren Continental Airlines counter at the Frankfurt airport. There two lovely German women listened to my story, and chastised their American counterparts as they located my information. But, as I said, I already missed the last flight out to Cairo, so the women graciously forced me onto tomorrow's flight and put me up in a four star hotel near the airport, complete with food vouchers. For this, I thank you. If only all your staff members were equally as competent.

With love,

PS- What is your issue with not bumping people up to first class when half the cabin is empty and the cattle car is jam packed? EXPLAIN THIS TO ME!

It has been a long and exhausting day. I've never had so many issues with flights before. In fact, I don't remember ever having ANY issues with flights. Thankfully, Kevin made it to Cairo and secured our hotel reservation, so he'll pick me up tomorrow evening (though it's unfortunate I had to miss an entire day of Egypt due to this little mix-up).

I actually almost didn't make it onto Kevin's flight. When they made the announcement that my flight would be delayed for 5 hours, I immediately went to inquire about other possible avenues to Cairo. Of course, the woman I spoke to was unsympathetic to my plight until I sent Kevin up with his smiles and charm and then *magically* I got on the standby list. What a relief that was...until I got to Germany.

You know, I always meet the most interesting peple when I travel. Whether it's the hotel concierge, a cafe waiter, or someone on a train, I always manage to find someone. This time it was Jeremy; my 39 year old seat-mate who works for the U.S. government in the Middle East. That's about all I got out of him about his job, but, having lived there for several years, he gave me a wealth of information about every place I was visiting. He also bought me a couple of Coronas, thus sealing our bond as friends forever :). But really, meeting people and hearing their stories is a major part of what makes traveling such a unique experience. I absorb everything they tell me.

Time to hit the sack. The hotel they put me in is just minutes from the airport by shuttle, and far away from the rest of the city, so I've done nothing in Frankfurt but sleep, use food vouchers, and avoid the extreme cold (which I'm obviously not prepared for). Fingers crossed that tomorrow will be smooth sailing, or flying, rather, and my vacation can actually begin.


  1. Too bad you did not have time to go into the city to see Hans our friendly barkeep and conceirge in Frankfurt. Saw that the temp there was 4 degrees. Wow, that is cold.

  2. Yea, and then I could have asked for a coke and gotten repeatedly scolded again, lol. Oh Hans. And yea, THIS is why I didn't want to go back to Europe in the winter...too cold to do anything!

  3. My last trip with Continental Airlines was not good either... hang in there!!
