Monday, December 27, 2010

Ready, Set, Pack.

Well, it's time. After months of reading, planning, studying, and shopping, it's FINALLY time. Tomorrow evening I will board a plane for Cairo, Egypt and enter into a world of Arabic and Islamic culture. Needless to say, I'm stoked. I knew back in August that I wanted to take a trip over the holidays. I had already been to Europe several times, so I wanted to visit someplace completely different. Also, I had like 95,000 flight miles to use up, so I wanted to use them to go someplace FAR. Long story short, I recruited my "uncle" (actually my mom's cousin) Kevin, who is well-traveled and also has tons of vacation time, and started planning. Our itinerary includes Cairo, Cyprus, Israel (Tel Aviv, Eilat, Ein Gedi (kibbutz on the Dead Sea), Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and back to Tel Aviv, and Petra, Jordan). That's three continents, four countries, and, what, like 8 cities? There may be a few more in there that we haven't planned on. 

 For me, this trip will be unlike any of my others. First, for the obvious dangers of visiting an area of the world that is in constant turmoil. We have to take extra precautions and make sure we're up to speed on their current political and social issues, and that we abide by their customs. Second, I've always been fascinated by Egypt... the ancient race and their glorious architecture and history. Not to mention that my favorite Bible story was that of Moses. Which then brings me to my third reason: In many ways this trip will be a way to reconnect with my Christianity. Now, we aren't going on a religious pilgrimage or anything, but it'll be awesome to see so many of the places that were referenced in the Biblical texts. It makes the trip a little more personal :). 

But for tonight, I'm concentrating on packing. I'm a Virgo. This basically means that lists and details run my life.  So what do you think I've been doing for the last several weeks? Yea, making lists and panicking about what to bring. I always try to pack as light as possible, but the weather varies so much from city to city that it's been HARD. But, it's about 24 hours before my flight leaves, and what I've got now is what I'm taking. I refuse to stop by another store for anything other than Dramamine or lip balm.  I have about 15 different lists telling me what to pack. I should be fine as long as I don't forget something like my (mom's) camera or the charger for my netbook or nook (which was a Christmas present from the Steakleys, by the way...and now that it's working, I'm a little obsessed). My nook is actually going to be my saving grace on this trip. On it I have travel guides for Cairo and all of Israel, and both include phrase books (too bad it can't just TALK for me), along with a Bible for reference and few works of lit for entertainment. 

Anyway, all this to say, WELCOME TO MY TRAVEL BLOG! This will be my way of keeping everyone I know updated on my trip (and so mom and dad and bf know I'm safe :) ). I'm going to try and blog a little everyday (assuming I have wifi at the hotels), so bookmark my page and don't forget to check in every once in awhile to see what we've been up to! Prayers and positive thoughts for a safe trip are requested :). Love to all.